08:52:57 WIB Dibaca: 240 kali

Karya Kepala Pusat Publikasi dan Kekayaan Intelektual LPPM Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya Dr. Tomy Michael, S.H., M.H., berjudul Good Samaritan Law In Indonesian Legal Perspective terbit di Rusia Edisi Maret 2023. This study uses legal interpretation and analyzes the meaning in statutory regulations. Legal interpretation is used to analyze good Samaritan in the context of law in Indonesia which is also related to customs in international law and uses case analysis. This research is important because when there are restrictions on good Samaritan, good will actually turn into evil. Good Samaritan in a legal perspective is not something that must be regulated because goodness is a natural thing in humans. However, regulation cannot be used as the main reason because when goodness is allowed, human behavior will actually appear. Good will become evil influenced by artificial power. In this context, Indonesia must understand the meaning of good Samaritan by making good as a way to prevent evil. This means that restrictions still need to be carried out so that arbitrariness doesn't occur.

Penulis : Dr. Tomy Michael, S.H., M.H.

Editor : Sekretariat LPPM

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